Introductory Resources
Below are links to PDFs you may print and distribute.Languages include English, Spanish, French, Urdu, Hebrew, Amharic and Chinese:
- Introducing ASK Network
- ASKing with the Word
- ASKing for the Nations
- ASKing with Fasting
- ASKing for Nation, Tribe, People & Language
- Meditating on the Word of God (read on screen)
- Meditating on the Word of God (prints as a booklet)
In Spanish:
- La introducción de la red ASK
- Pidiendo con la Palabra de Dios
- Pidiendo por las Naciones
- Pidiendo através del Ayuno
- Pidiendo por aquellos de cada Nación, Tribu, Pueblo e Idioma
- Meditando en la Palabra de Dios (read on screen)
- Meditando en la Palabra de Dios (print as booklet)
In French
- Introducing ASK Network - French
- Prier directement la Bible!
- Demandez pour toutes les Nations
- Demander avec le Jeûne
- Demander Pour Ceux et Celles de Toutes Nations, Tribus, Peuples et Langues
- Méditer sur la Parole de Dieu (read on screen)
- Méditer sur la Parole de Dieu (prints as a booklet)
- Introducing ASK Network
- ASKing with the Word
- ASKing for Nations
- ASKing with Fasting
- ASKing for Nation, Tribe, People and Language
- Meditating on the Word of God (read on screen)
- Meditating on the Word of God (print as booklet)
- ASKing for those in authority
- Introducing ASK Network
- ASKing with the Word
- ASKing for the Nations
- ASKing with Fasting
- ASKing for Nation, Tribe, People & Language
- Meditating on the Word of God
- ASKing for those in Authority
- Introducing ASK Network
- ASKing with the Word
- ASKing for the Nations
- ASKing with Fasting
- ASKing for Nation, Tribe, People, & Language
- Meditating on the Word of God
- ASKing for those in Authority
- Introducing ASK Network
- ASKing with the Word
- ASKing for the Nations
- ASKing with Fasting
- ASKing for Nation, Tribe, People and Language
- Meditating on the Word of God
- ASKing for Those in Authority